

Logo for Silver Certified Veteran Friendly SchoolAre you ready to put your veterans’ education benefits to use? Monroe County Community College welcomes and provides information, 根据适用的公共法律,为有资格获得教育福利的人提供指导和咨询. 在十大外围app就读期间,所有有资格并选择接受教育和培训福利的学生都可以向注册办公室查询信息.


VA Educational Benefit Eligibility Application Process

退伍军人事务部管理着各种各样的教育福利项目. 许多退伍军人和现役人员都有资格享受不止一项教育福利计划.

当你准备好申请你的福利时,完成老兵在线申请 or call 1-888-GIBILL-1. 

veterans crisis line imageThe following programs are administered in MCCC’s Registrar’s Office.  For more information, call (734) 384-4108.

  • Post-9/11 GI Bill ®
  • Montgomery GI Bill ®
  • Selected Reserves
  • Survivors and Dependents
  • Veterans Affairs Tuition Assistance

Michigan Veteran Connector logoThe following programs are administered in MCCC's Fiancial Aid Office.  For more information, call (734) 384-4135.

  • Vocational Rehabilitation
  • VA Scholarships

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government website at 


veterans banner

Important Catalog/Handbook Information for 2022-23

请查看退伍军人法案®-目录要求(PDF)为退伍军人考虑或目前参加MCCC的重要信息. This document includes governing body, officials and faculty; important calendar dates for 2022-23; policies and procedures related to attendance; standards of progress including grading information; student conduct; tuition and fees; withdrawal information; facilities; credit for previous experience; and course and program information. 


A student whose Monroe County Community College cumulative GPA drops below 1.800 may be certified for a maximum of two additional semesters. If, after these two semesters, he or she does not raise the cumulative GPA to a 1.800, no additional certifications will be submitted on behalf of the veteran, 退伍军人管理局将被告知该学生正在退伍军人管理局试用. Should the veteran raise his or her cumulative GPA to a 1.在随后的学期中,学院可以追溯认证退伍军人一整年.

Credit for military service experience may occur in two forms. 该学分的使用取决于是否适合十大外围app的学生项目.


Service personnel, having successfully completed certain approved training courses, 在向教务处提供培训证明后,是否可以获得有限的学分. MCCC遵循美国教育委员会指南来评估武装部队的教育经验

Per MCCC Policy 3.05 (Tuition and Fees), as of Fall Semester 2019, 根据第30章(蒙哥马利退伍军人法案®现役计划)使用教育援助的任何个人, Chapter 31 (Vocational Rehabilitation), Chapter 33 (Post-9/11 GI Bill®),第35章(幸存者和家属的教育援助计划)和第1606章.S.C. (Montgomery GI Bill ® - Selected Reserve), of Title 38, United States Code, and/or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. §3311(b)(9)), 在十大外围app就读期间居住在密歇根州的学生(无论其正式居住在哪个州) shall be charged no more than in-county tuition.


Military Tuition Assistance


选择性储备和国民警卫队的成员可能有资格获得联邦学费援助. Each service (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines and Coast Guard) has its own criteria for eligibility, obligated service, application process, and restrictions. See your respective military branch Federal Tuition Assistance website for detailed guidelines and responsibilities.


付款方式:学生必须将自由贸易协定的授权凭证提交给中国化工学院助学金办公室. This voucher must be turned in before the tuition payment due date for the semester; otherwise, students will be at risk for being dropped from classes for non-payment.

If students receive other tuition and fees specific benefits, such as GI Bill ® or financial aid awards, the FTA plan or other resources may be reduced. Fees, books and supplies are not covered by FTA, as this is a tuition-only program. If you need assistance with your account, 请联系你所在单位的教育服务官员或MCCC财务援助办公室.

密歇根州国民警卫队州立学费援助计划适用于活跃于国民警卫队的密歇根州国民警卫队成员, 没有无故缺勤或在UCMJ的指控下缺勤,并符合与密歇根州国民警卫队招募和保留要求一致的附加标准.

Payment: Students must verify that their authorization from the state has been sent to the Financial Aid Office at MCCC prior to the tuition payment due date for the semester; otherwise, students will be at risk for being dropped from classes for non-payment.

军人配偶职业发展账户奖学金是一项劳动力发展计划,为符合条件的军人配偶提供学费援助. The scholarship helps military spouses pursue licenses, certificates, certifications or associate degrees necessary to gain employment in high-demand, high-growth portable career fields and occupations.

Payment: Students must verify that their authorization has been sent to the Financial Aid Office at MCCC prior to the tuition payment due date for the semester; otherwise, students will be at risk for being dropped from classes for non-payment.

尽管军事学费援助福利在每学期开始时作为支付到学生的账户中, the student earns their benefits by completing their courses in the semester. If a student withdraws during his or her period of enrollment, 到目前为止,学生获得的军事学费援助福利的数额由具体的时间表决定.  下面的时间表显示了学生退课时所获得的福利百分比.

MCCC's Fall and Winter semesters are 15 weeks in length. 秋季和冬季学期的助学金百分比时间表如下:

Week 1: This is MCCC's 100% tuition refund period once classes have started. MCCC将退还100%的军事学费援助资金给在上课前或第一周期间退学的学生. During weeks 2-4: 75% return
During weeks 5-8: 50% return
During weeks 9: 40% return (60% of course is completed)
During weeks 10-15: 0% return

MCCC's Summer semester is 12 weeks in length. The schedule for percentage of aid earned for the Summer semester is as follows:

Week 1: This is MCCC's 100% tuition refund period once classes have started.  对于在开学前或第一周内退学的学生,MCCC将全额退还学费援助资金.
During weeks 2-3: 75% return
During weeks 4-6: 50% return
During weeks 7-8: 40% return (60% of course is completed)
During weeks 9-12: 0% return

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. government Web site at

Contact Information

Registrar’s Office


Building / Office IconS-104
Phone Icon (734) 384-4108 | FAX (734) 687-6069


Summer Hours (May 6 – Aug. 9)
Mon - Thur: 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Fri: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.